Health & Safety
KEMAPCO is committed to the chemical’s industry “responsible care” initiative for continuous improvement in all aspects of health, safety and environment. Kemapco’s focus has been excellence in environmental and safety performance since the very beginning of the industrial process design, so full Environmental Impact Assessment study (EIA) and a haz-op study have been undertaken and adopted utilizing the best technology available in all process steps.
KEMAPCO Safety, Health, environment and security policy (HSES) is a key element to manage the company’s activities in complete compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. The HSES policy is an essential part of the top management responsibilities and all managers, supervisors and employees demonstrate personally their commitment and total involvement to eliminate unsafe practices and situations, bearing in mind that safe operation is efficient operation.
KEMAPCO provide the employees with all appropriate personal protective equipment and accompanied by continuous education and training of them to carry out their daily tasks in accordance to prescribed procedures. Additionally, KEMAPCO involve visitors and contractors by providing them the appropriate HSES regular training in order and continuous updating of relevant information believing that all injuries can be prevented.