
Press Release: KEMAPCO Decarbonization Project


تخريج دورة الدفاع المدني

تم اليوم الاربعاء الموافق 23/11/2022 بحضور عطوفة مدير الدفاع المدني /العقبة المقدم حمود الرواجفة وعطوفة المهندس بسام الزعمط المدير العام تخريج دورة الدفاع المدني المتخصصة في مجال الاطفاء، حيث تم توزيع شهادات التدريب على عدد من موظفي الشركة. وهذا يقع ضمن سياسة الشركة بالتعاون مع مديرية الدفاع المدني ...


KEMAPCO Vaccination Program

Within the framework of the Coronavirus vaccination plan for all vital sectors in the city of Aqaba, which is implemented by the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority


KEMAPCO announces relocating its main offices in Amman

KEMAPCO announces relocating its main offices in Amman to the Abdali - Suleiman Al- Nabulsi Street, Building no.30 2nd floor.


KEMAPCO wins Safety and Occupational Health Excellence Award for the second time

Arab Fertilizers and Chemicals Industries Co. (KEMAPCO) won for the second time the Safety and Occupational Health Excellence Award


KEMAPCO extends its congratulation to His Excellency Mr. Jamal Al Sarayrah

KEMAPCO extends its congratulation to His Excellency Mr. Jamal Al Sarayrah for his new position in the government of Jordan as Deputy Prime Minister


KEMAPCO: Industrial Desalination Plant of the Year: Shortlist

KEMAPCO has been shortlisted for the global water awards as one of the best four industrial desalination plants it has in the world!


KEMAPCO wins Safety and Occupational Health Excellence Award

Arab Fertilizers and Chemicals Industries Co. (KEMAPCO) won Safety and Occupational Health Excellence Award, which the Social Security Corporation (SSC) awards annually


King Abdullah II Award for Excellence

Arab Fertilizers and Chemicals Industries Ltd, (KEMAPCO) has been awarded King Abdullah II Award for Excellence -Jordanian Exporter Award